Thursday, August 31, 2006

10 reasons why you should forget your ex-boy friend

10. He is not here this moment when you want to show him some new jewellery you just bought at a sale. (If he doesnt know about it in the next 10 minutes, he doesnt deserve you).

9. He is no longer sending you any gifts, and even if he did... you had your new boy friend giving you better and bigger gifts.

8. Things you once loved, now make you cry because it brings back old memories. If he makes you cry for what you like, he doesnt deserve your sympathy.

7. He did not call you to make up when you told him that all he had was the next 10 minutes to call you up and apologise for losing his temper on you.

6. You just realised that he was never encouraging when you wanted to cut short a phone conversation with him so that you could go out with your friends for an ice cream.

5. He now talks of returning back all your gifts because it no longer 'belongs' to him. (He wants you to throw away all his gifts when you said you will return his gifts back to him too).

4. He does not seem to care when you ignore him a little hoping he would realize your absence.

3. Infact, he isn't thinking of you at this moment when every line here is reminding you of him.

2. You just decided that a window of opportunities just opened up for you and you have decided that its far more interesting to hang out with friends than spend hours waiting for him to respond to your phone calls.

1. You just found this new guy who is exactly your ex-boy friend MINUS all qualities you hated about him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After you know the reason why you should forget your ex, now you must know how to do that easily..

I,ve read this tips "Easy steps to forget your 'EX'", hope it useful...