Thursday, August 31, 2006

Through the window, up above sea-level

(Old post: Oct 2005)
I loved aisle seats on board air crafts for no reason that I can think of. All I could think of was to curse the airlines that put me on the window seat on my trip to Dallas. I took off from work at 3:00PM, but the flight was delayed by six hours due to traffic jam at the hangar, and thats a story in itself though. You know all the weird thoughts that get into your minds when the flight is about to take of dont you? The ones similar to what the hero sees in FInal Destination on board the flight? :D
The flight took off, and for the first time I discovered why window seats are usually in much demand. Looking out through the window, down to the earth.. Lo! I wondered for a moment if the flight was going upside down... I saw gazillion shining stars down below blocking the view of earth itself! Rub my eyes. Look again. I almost witness the meteor shower.. with several of those shining little stars below moving as though in a pre-defined path. What a sight that was! American Airlines, you are the best! For giving me the left out window seats, much against what I had asked for!!
Did I hear any of you say that God never stops by earth to hear our problems? Why would He? He is so awe-struck up above us, and gazing at New York's grandeur all night! By the way, say your prayers during the day.
Hasn't God's creation almost reproduced God's own creation? Oops, to some of you out there -I'm not getting into this topic at this hour of the night!

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